Adult Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir provides heavenly music and leads worship for our 10:30 service during the school year as well as other special services during the year. The Chancel Choir “family,” made up of men and women high school age and older, is always looking for new members to help us make a joyful noise. Auditions are not necessary, but an ability to read music is helpful. We rehearse on Sunday mornings following coffee hour from noon until 1:15 in the air conditioned (and heated in winter) sanctuary.
For more information about the Adult Chancel Choir please contact the church office at (973)729-7773.
Heavenly Metal Ringers
The Heavenly Metal Ringers, our adult handbell choir, rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the choir room (Room 7). The bell choir usually plays at the 10:30 worship service once a month during the school year. New members, high school age and older, are always welcome, but ability to read music is a must.
Please contact Yvonne Roux, at if interested.

Children’s Chime Choir & Genesis Ringers
Chime Choir (for children from Kindergarten to grade 3) and Genesis Ringers (an intergenerational group for grade 4 to adult). Please contact Yvonne Roux @ if interested.
Youth Choir