Sunday School
The Sunday School Program at Sparta United Methodist Church is open to all children from Pre-K through 12th Grade. Our classrooms follow a Christian-based curriculum with focus on Loving God and Loving Neighbor, The Lord’s Prayer, Books of the Bible, and the Ten Commandments. Our Sunday School Ministry takes place every Sunday during the given school year! We all look forward to continuing our tradition of delivering the Good Word and Love of Jesus Christ to every student with love, enthusiasm, and care!

Sunday Morning Schedule:
10:30 a.m. All class gather in worship for the Children’s Message
10:40 a.m. Sunday School – In Classroom
Our supporting staff includes substitutes that have been background checked in accordance with our Safe Sanctuary Policy. If you would like a copy of or information on this Policy or anything regarding the Sunday School Program, please contact the church office at 973-729-7773. For more basic information on Safe Sanctuary Policies, click here
Youth Group
Learning Workshops, Volunteering, and Special Events!
Youth Group will resume in the Fall! Please check with our Church Office when it gets closer!

To sign up and receive youth notifications, email Youth Director Jack at youthdirector@spartaumc.org
We, the Youth of Sparta UMC take great pride in our accomplishments, who we are growing up to be, and the ways in which we serve our Lord and our local communities. We have hiked, played, talked, prayed. We’ve helped others, sang, and fundraised. We’ve created crafts to keep and sell,

God is with us – can’t you tell?!
SUMC Youth Group is open to all 6th-12th Graders.
Bring a friend!